Gushegu District Director of Health Alhaji Abdul Rahman Yakubu, has advised the public to desist from sniffing solid substances, which could have negative effect on their lungs. “It has been observed that most men especially those in the rural areas are getting addicted to sniffing snuff made up of substances including tobacco and moringa leaves, which are dangerous to their health,” he said.
Alhaji Yakubu who spoke to Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Gushegu cautioned that it is not medically right for any person to engage in the act.
He said the nose was created to only facilitate breathing of air and gas but not sniffing.
“This is the reason why almost everyone has hair in the nostril, which filter the air we breathe. I have observed that those who sniff push it beyond the hair in the nose and inhale the substance,” he said. The Medical Director said tobacco has about 4000 properties, and most of them fight against the normal function of the human system.
“Most people are now resorting to the use of these substances as aphrodisiac to help them perform well in bed.
They should not deceive themselves because they are exposing themselves to cancerous related diseases.” Alhaji Yakubu said people who engage in sniffing are inviting cancer of the throat, lungs, stroke and cardio vascular diseases.
Mr Mumuni Musah, 30, a resident of Gushegu, told the GNA that he started snuffing some 10 years ago, when a friend recommended it as the best solution to a constant severe migraine ailment.
“I went to the hospital many times and they prescribed some drugs for me but it never worked. Surprisingly when I took the moringa snuff the migraine stopped,” he said.
However, Mr Musah expressed the desire to end the long time habit but needs help since he is addicted to the practice.