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Mealymouthed Alban Bagbin Says He Wants To Be President — Plenty of Luck To Him

I am not even going to expend precious mental bandwidth trying to psychoanalyze Mr. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, the insufferable lawmaker from Nadowli/Kaleo; it will be an exercise in futility; his weird and unhinged behavior is revelatory enough.

The quixotic Mr. Bagbin has been on the warpath lately, desperately seeking to accomplish two things, namely, to bolster his political bonafides and to decimate political opponents standing in the way of his presidential ambitions, unrealistic as they are.

Undeterred by his bleak electoral prospects, the mealymouthed legislator has resorted to lobbing verbal grenades at some of his colleagues in the National Democratic Congress. How defeatist!!!!

Former President John Dramani Mahama —- who just announced his political comeback—–has been the principal target of Mr. Bagbin’s barbs which depict him as incorrigibly corrupt and singularly responsible for the NDC’s disastrous showing at the polls in 2016.

Other NDC heavy hitters who have not been spared Mr. Bagbin’s tirade are Dr. Omane Boamah, the former NDC communications minister and Mr. Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa, a former deputy minister of education. He also took a swipe at Dr. Dana, the vision impaired former minister of chieftaincy affairs.

He bizarrely questioned their competency and ability and wondered why Mr. Mahama elevated the two “impressionable young men” to high profile and lofty positions in government.

Mr. Bagbin’s scorched earth tactics may be politically savvy, but they are creating additional fissures in a party that is still reeling from a humiliating electoral defeat. In fact, NDC party elders and rank and file sincerely want to forge a united front, a formidable one at that, and one which will be adequately resourced to take on the NPP juggernaut in 2020.

But Mr. Bagbin’s snide remarks are not helping matters one bit. While it may be difficult to control his worst impulses, at least, one can prod him to clam up. The seasoned lawmaker should have known better than to cast aspersions on his colleagues. It just goes to show you how debased the political environment has become.

If Mr. Bagbin fails to heed to wise heads in the party, it will become crystal clear then that he is not bound by the pedestrian concept of party loyalty and therefore should be given the free rein to self immolate and with it his dubious presidential ambitions.



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