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Dalun-Lana denies reports politicians were chased out of his palace by irate youth


imageMr. Mahama Hamidu, the chief of Dalun, has strenuously denied media reports that sought to suggest that some irate youth in Dalun chased out government officials who paid a courtesy called on him during their working visit to the community.

The party bigwigs were in the community to, among other things, explain to people  developmental projects contained in the NDC ‘Green Book.’

The officials who visited the chief palace were led by the parliamentary candidate for Kumbungu constituency of the National Democratic Congress, Abdulai Mohammed Mubarak affectionately called Ras Mubarak, a former foreign affairs minister Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni, the deputy northern regional minister-Alhaji A.B.A Fuseini, NDC regional chairman Chief Sofo Azoka and the district chief executive for Kumbungu among others.

The party bigwigs were in the community, to among other things, explain to the people government developmental projects contained in the NDC ‘GreenBook’.

Alhaji Mumuni and other officials took turns to explain to the people details of developmental projects that have been executed by the Mahama -Amissah-Arthur led administration so far, and to also canvas for votes.

After paying a courtesy call on the chief, the officials held a forum at the town center where some community members asked questions about when the Tamale-Dalun and Nawuni road will be complete and also about when the district community senior high school project will take off, start.

Apparently dissatisfied with the answers provided by the officials, community members reportedly booed the officials as they left the venue. Videos emanated from the community and in circulation on social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook platforms suggested that the incident took place at the chief palace.

But a statement issued at Dalun and signed by the son of Dalun Lana, Shani Mahama, who doubles as the spokesman for the chief, condemned the report, describing it as an attempt to create the impression that the people of Dalun are rowdy and violent, especially towards politicians.

Mr. Shani said as much as the community has genuine developmental concerns, members will not take the law into their own hands and subject people to ridicule and scorn on social media.

“The chief and people of Dalung are peace loving people whose doors are always open to anyone including politicians. Democracy is about opinions and divergent views which we the people and our traditional leaders so much believe in,” the statement said.

“We want to equally assure our residents and true lovers of Dalung living beyond that there is not cause for alarm, we are enjoying our cherished and known peace. We will advise political parties that tend to fan such mischief to desist. Dalung is not a place that entertains thuggery,” the statement assured.

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