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‘Businessman’ remanded in prison custody for defrauding suspected public


A 28-year old ‘businessman’, Fuseini Sadat, has been remanded in prison custody by His Lordship Mr Augustine Essah of the Tamale District Court 2 for allegedly stealing 6 thousand Ghana cedis from a student; Azuma, a native of Bunkpurugu in the Northern Region.

The accused was charged on three counts of stealing at the Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) Tamale main and Teaching Hospital Road branches and the Agricultural Development Bank main branch in Tamale. 

Presenting the facts in court, Prosecuting Chief Inspector Matin Obeng Botwe told the court that on January 14, 2013, the complainant Azuma went to GCB to pay school fees through banker’s draft and while in the banking hall, the accused approached him and introduced himself as a staff of the bank and asked if he could offer him a help because the hall was full of customers.

 Chief Inspector Botwe said the complainant obliged and handed over an amount of 6 000 cedis to the accused. 

The accused according to Chief Inspector Botwe sensed danger and asked the complainant to accompany him to GCB branch at the Tamale Teaching Hospital road, which the complainant agreed and upon arrival in the banking hall, the accused asked the complainant to go and make a photocopy of a banker’s draft, but before the complainant returned, the accused ran away with the money.

The prosecutor said the accused also succeeded in collecting another 3 hundred and fifty thousand Ghana cedis from Azuma David and 4 hundred Ghana cedis from Alhassan Ibrahim at the Agricultural Development Bank in Tamale, using the same modus operandi.

Chief Inspector Botwe said, the accused again collected an amount of a thousand Ghana cedis from Dok Yen Eward Sapak, a café operator on 22nd March, 2013.

 The accused, Fuseini Sadat, the prosecutor said was arrested 21st February, 2014 at the ADB Tamale main through CCTV camera and later handed over to the police.

Chief inspector Matin Obeng told Zaa News that, the victims reported the matter to the police in Tamale and when the accused was arrested, the police called the victims to come and identify him. 

The accused pleaded not guilty to all the charges and was remanded in prison custody and will reappear on March 4, 2014.

By;Ibrahim Dikunyalala/


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