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Remove all illegal structures or face our taskforce-TAMA warns traders


The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (TAMA) has given traders in the central market less than two weeks ultimatum to remove all extension pavilions and verandas from their stores before the end of this month. The assembly says it would not tolerate any excuse from any trader who fails to heed to their appeal.

 The move according to the assembly is to ensure sanity and prevent any fire outbreak in the market. There has not been any fire incidents in the market since 1981's devastating fire.

The assembly  said the exercise would also pave way for the reconstruction of the Tamale central market. Officials of TAMA say plans are in motion to construct accessible roads in the market with four main gates.   

The assembly together with Ghana National Fire Service, on Monday led by the Coordinating Director Alhaji Shehu Awudu Abdul-Kadri visited the market to assess the chaotic nature of the market and how best they may together with the traders ensure sanity.

The team even before the official letters informed shop owners about the exercise and emphasized that the traders would have themselves to blame if they failed to heed to their appeals.

While some traders were in support of the assembly’s decision to remove unauthorized structures, others are unfazed about the appeal of the Tamale metropolitan assembly.

The Chairman of the decongestion taskforce of the assembly Mohammed Abdul-Rashid who disclosed this to Zaa News said, TAMA is taken a clue from the unfortunate fire incidents in the country in recent times, especially the Katamanto and Agboloshie markets in Accra and will not want to witness such a situation in the Tamale market.   

Mr. Abdul-Rashid said the assembly would from 21 May 2013 start serving traders with notice letters to prevent any accusations of not being informed or warned. 

Some traders in the Tamale central market left their stores and displayed their goods in the unauthorized pavilions.

The Assistant Divisional Fire Officer of the Ghana national fire service in the Tamale metropolitan Assembly, Veronica Dongbakuro lauded the assembly for the exercise and urged the traders to cooperate with the assembly.

She however expressed concern about the congested nature of the market saying she is disappointed at the activities of some traders in the market and called on the Volta River Authority to do proper electrical wiring in the market.  

Madam Veronica expressed fears that her outfit might not be able to control fire in the market should it God forbid occur.  


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