Extremely poor people from Tasha and Gulkpegu Dungu, both farming communities within the Sagnarigu Municipality have welcome their inclusion to a new project under Livelihoods Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP).
The two communities has a total of 359 individuals benefiting from the government social intervention program for poor and vulnerable people which started in 2008.
The beneficiaries of Taha and Gulkpegu Dungu pledged their full support for the smooth implementation of the Beneficiary and Community Communication (B&CC) pilot project.
The pilot project guarantees beneficiaries rights for their personal information to be kept secure and confidential.
The beneficiaries at end of period will have the rights to say that they don’t want their information to be shared by the management of LEAP without their permission.
The beneficiary charter of rights and responsibilities also gives caregivers for adults who can’t make decisions for themselves, or who can’t tell others their decisions to see the records with granted power of attorney.

These, the beneficiaries said was a good move which will ensure mutual benefit and prevent any at loggerheads anticipated by the secretariat during the implementation.
They have expressed their gratitude to the LEAP secretariat and stakeholders for including them and pra for the successful implementation of the project.
At a meeting with some the beneficiaries at Taha, Mr Iddrisu Neindow and Mr Mohammed Issah told Zaa News that the effort to engage community members, especially the beneficiaries was timely and a good decision.
According to them, the implementation of the project will go a long way to increase the community’s understanding of the LEAP, broaden their knowledge and correct widely held perception and misconceptions that the selection are done on favoritism.
Another beneficiary from Dungu, fa Alhassan Adam also corroborated with his colleagues and described the visit as an opportune time which will help correct the wrong impression in the community about LEAP activities.
Afa Alhassan recounted how some people started questioning the selection process in his area and a point he felt very embarrassed.

“I had to explained to some people that the selection process was done by a computer before they could understand and stop making all sort of disparaging remarks”Afa Alhassan narrated.