Residents Zujung, Lamashegu and Nakpan Zou in the Tamale Metropolis have accused northern regional police command for meting out instance justice without following due process stipulated by law.
The residents were seen being whipped in a viral video that angered many about the young armed police officers caning some residents over alleged illegal electricity connections.
The police were seen in the video with officials from the Northern Electricity Distribution Company calling people out from rooms and attempting forcefully to enter their rooms. The police officers for whatever reason were not ready to listen to the people’s explanations.

One of the victims seen in a video holding rubber believed to be food attempted removing his phone from his pocket but was whipped by one of unprofessional police officers in spite of a plea by someone believed to be a NEDCo official.
Some of the residents who narrated their ordeal to Zaa News described the police action as barbaric and unprofessional. It has become common practice among police in the northern region in brutalizing residents with little or without any provocation.
The recent NEDCo-police invasion to inspect illegal connections brings to fifth, police rude behavior towards residents in communities within the Tamale metropolis. It is not clear the number of people arrested by the police and whisked away into NEDCo vehicles.
The ’ignorant law enforcement officers’ and NEDCo officials were also seen in the videos taking metals in one of the compounds with instructions’ ‘break it’’ referring to rooms locked, ostensibly in search of alleged perpetrators absent. There has not been an official response from NEDCo since the incident happened.