Health experts are considering banning of handshake in churches and mosques to help prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola. ’’Peace be on to you’’ handshake is a common greeting among Catholic faith and Muslims after congregational prayers.
A medical doctor who spoke to Zaa News but want to remain anonymous said ’’the way we shake hands in churches and mosques in this era of Ebola is worrying’’ discussions are ongoing with religious leaders on a ban of handshaking at least for now’’. He continued that the Ebola virus is no more bats and chimpanzees’ matter because human beings are dying through Ebola and all efforts geared at combating it should be accepted.
However, health experts say the fast spread of Ebola which is through contact of an infected person needs to be curtailed.
On daily basis the incident of Ebola keeps on increasing leaving health authorities in a state of dilemma in the fight against the disease. ’’My brother doctors are also scare of Ebola because safety tools are not there for us’’ he lamented.
Medical doctors are living in fears due to the death of their two colleagues in Liberia and Sierra Leone and countless nurses in the endemic West African countries. Fear grips many residents in Tamale even though Ghana has not recorded a single death.
Some residents are asking health authorities in the Northern Region and various assemblies what measures they are putting in place to prevent residents from the deadly Ebola.
According to them, boarders closer to the northern region are very porous and therefore the need for stringent measures to prevent the people in the region from Ebola.
But health officials in the region say government has put in place measures in all the entering points through Custom, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) to monitor and check the entry of foreigners from neighbouring countries.
Ebola, the health expert says, has no limitation in age and no respecter of persons. Thus, everybody is at risk. Meanwhile, the metropolitan Chief Executive for Tamale, at a Social Public Expenditure and Accountability Forum (SEPAF) disclosed that the assembly together with Ghana health service will soon embark on community sensitization to educate the public on Ebola.